Hawaii Medicaid/CHIP Coverage

In the state of Hawaii, 427,588 residents were enrolled in Medicaid/CHIP coverage at the start of 2022, demonstrating an increase in enrollment rates of 48.28% since the Marketplace Open Enrollment Period of October 2013.1 Hawaii is adopting promotional strategies to facilitate the enrollment of eligible residents in Medicaid and CHIP coverage, suggesting a promising future for agents working with these products in the state.1 With the increase in enrollment, and the promising boost from encouraging enrollment, agents can find a growing number of eligible Hawaiians looking to agents to offer direction and guidance in selecting their plans.

For Hawaiians receiving Medicaid, according to a voluntary 2020 self-report, the care they receive meets 21 of CMS’s 27 quality of care measures being met for the state’s Medicaid coverage.1 As an agent providing insight to Medicaid and CHIP plans in Hawaii, you will be able to help your clients continue to receive care they enjoy, or help select a plan for clients who find themselves unsatisfied with their care, which will allow your business and relationships with your clientele to strengthen and grow.

Given the rates of enrollment and commitment to promotional programs that encourage eligible residents to apply, agents interested in partnering with JAR Insurance Services to work with Medicaid in Hawaii have strong opportunities for long-term success.1 Our number one priority is encouraging our agents to take hold of the tools and skills that will ensure their long-lasting prosperity, which includes the flexibility to work in locations the country over. To work with our nationwide team that focuses on motivating you to build your independent success, reach out to our agent support staff to see what you can do to become a JAR agent today.


Idaho Medicaid/CHIP Coverage


Georgia Medicaid/CHIP Coverage