3 recommended Facebook posts that build your business and reputation
Using social media to promote your business takes more than just marketing content. Get an inside look into the personal posts proven to drive success.
With the possibility of what can be shared on social media being virtually endless, it may make an agent feel like they don’t know where to start or what’s important to include in their communications with the public. While it’s important to share information about the plans you’re promoting as a JAR agent, it’s also important to share more personalized content to set yourself apart from the competition and continue to make your business stand out among the rest. To help you get started, industry leaders suggest sharing posts of the following variety to support your growth and build your business:
Educational posts: Sharing information about health news, health insurance trends, articles and resources about Medicare, relaying information from reputable, trusted sources can help strengthen your audience’s trust in you as a Medicare professional and expert. 1 Taking the time to get your followers connected with information that can educate and empower their health can strengthen your authority with your audience.
Uplifting and motivational posts: Posts that include heartwarming and motivational stories, quotes, and images brighten your followers’ newsfeeds and help them see you as a source of positivity. 1 Sharing this type of content conveys to your reader that you want more than just to push a product or make a sale, but to build connections and uplift others.
“Get to know me” posts: Posting stories and photos that convey your involvement in and connection to the community can encourage a more personal connection with your followers, members, and prospects. 1 When they see your involvement in health, wellness, and making a positive difference, your reputation as a trustworthy health insurance professional is strengthened.
In addition to sharing factual marketing content about plans and coverage information, sharing personal posts that convey your personality and individuality with your members and prospects can improve your publicity and promotional performance. While both are needed to create a successful social media profile for your business, at JAR, we understand that it may be daunting to take it all on as your own. JAR Insurance Services supports our agents’ growth and independent success through connecting them with resources, tools, materials and training they need to capitalize on their independence. See what’s possible when you’re backed by a team that understands what you need and contact our agent support staff to become a JAR agent today.
1. Humana Inc. Facebook: MRC Social Media. MarketPoint Retail Sales Learning and Development. 2021:2.